FIPS - significado y definición. Qué es FIPS
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Qué (quién) es FIPS - definición

FIPS (disambiguation); Fips

Federal Information Processing Standard (Reference: NIST, USA)
Federal Information Processing Standards         
FIPS place code; FIPS Code; FIPS code; Federal Information Processing Standard; FIPS PUB; FIPS Publication; FIPS publication; Federal Information Processing Standards Publication; FIPSPUB; Fed. Inf. Process. Stand.; Fed Inf Process Stand
<standard> (FIPS) United States Government technical standards published by the {National Institute of Standards and Technology} (NIST). NIST develops FIPS when there are compelling Federal government requirements such as for security and interoperability but no acceptable industry standards or solutions. Computer-related products bought by the US Government must conform to FIPS. (2003-06-04)



FIPS or Fips may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para FIPS
1. And the FIPs are important.
Privacy’s Blueprint _ Woodrow Hartzog _ Talks at Google
2. But here's the problem with the FIPs.
Privacy’s Blueprint _ Woodrow Hartzog _ Talks at Google
3. So there's this massive design gap in follow the FIPs,
Privacy’s Blueprint _ Woodrow Hartzog _ Talks at Google
4. reflected because if you look at the FIPs,
Privacy’s Blueprint _ Woodrow Hartzog _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de FIPS
1. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns had been meeting over two days with their counterparts from the EU, Australia, Brazil and India in a group called the Five Interested Parties, or FIPS, to make progress in the long–stalled WTO negotiations, which formally are called the Doha Development Agenda.
2. "I‘m hopeful that what we began yesterday with a new proposal and with new momentum will result in the next 48 hours in additional and more specific offers on the market access side," Portman said, "so that we have the hope of pulling together an agreement that we can take into Hong Kong at the end of the year." Portman was scheduled to meet later in the day on the agricultural negotiations in a group of key participants called the Five Interested Parties, or FIPS, comprising the United States, the European Union (EU), Brazil, India and Australia. He said he would meet with negotiators from still more countries the following day.